Around the Web

Every so often, I like to post and list different things I’ve found around the Internet in which I think my readers may be interested. I hope you will find some useful information off this list!

1. Today is the 2012 National Coffee Day! If you’re a caffeine addict like me, click here for a list of places to score free coffee (or a really, really good deal).

2. “Mama’s Emporium” is an environmentally-conscious online store that strives to “help budget minded mamas find high quality baby essentials, and extremely useful baby luxury items, at affordable prices.” Through the month of October, Mama’s Emporium is holding a raffle for more than $1000 in prizes like Rumparooz and GroVia! For just $5, you’ll receive a grab bag with one raffle ticket and one surprise item. Click here to purchase.

3. Here are several momma or baby daily deal sites that I like to check regularly: MamaBargains, Baby Steals, Zulily, Plum District, The Mini Social, Eco Baby Buys, and Liam’s LoftDo you know of any family-oriented daily deal sites that I’m missing? Please share below in the comments section, thank you!

4. The Green Family Giveaway ends tomorrow night, so get those entries in! I just finished entering all 38 giveaways yesterday. You can enter mine here and view the giveaway linky to start blog hopping.

5. I recently won two giveaways that I entered right before they ended. I found both of them through the site “Tight Wad in Utah.” This site lists daily low-entry giveaways. To be honest, some of the giveaways they list, I’m not necessarily interested in, but they always have a good variety, and I always find a few giveaways to enter. You can also submit a low-entry giveaway to be listed.

6. If you love to read, I recommend following the blog “Legacy of a Writer.” I’m really enjoying the book reviews on this site. She often interviews authors and holds book giveaways, as well.

7. Did you read my Diapers by Chris review earlier this week? Since she reached a Facebook milestone, Chris is currently holding a giveaway for a hybrid fitted diaper with a choice from two prints. This giveaway ends in 5 days, so enter soon! Chris will also be sponsoring a prize (a diaper, of course!) for the Hoppin’ Halloween Giveway Hop on this blog Oct. 25-31.

8. Are you familiar with Mamma necklaces? The silicone kind that mothers of nursing and teething babies wear, and are safe for the babies to chew on? There’s a co-op currently taking orders for them at a much reduced price. If you’re interested, send me a message on my “Contact Me” page.

9. On Monday, I’ll be posting a review and giveaway for the Cleava, a mock camisole. It’s a very nifty clothing accessory for working women, nursing moms, female high school teachers (I’ll explain this one in my review), or any woman really who wants to avoid hoochie in her wardrobe!

I think that’s it for today! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



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It’s Fitness Friday! (Week 3)

It’s Fitness Friday!

Join me, We Have It All, Andersons Angels, and other bloggers as we work at being healthier and getting fit through Fitness Friday! Don’t have a blog? You can comment right below our Fitness Friday posts, and we’ll encourage each other!

 Current Stats:

MAYBE 179 lbs. Okay, so here’s what happened. My goal for this week was to get into the 170s, but it seemed like every time I weigh myself I was still 180. Well, I weighed myself yesterday morning, and I was ecstatic to see the scale said 179 lbs. and X oz. Well, during my 2-second happy dance from the bathroom to the living room, I forgot how many ounces I was over 179. I wanted to have the exact amount, so I could input it in MyFitnessPal. When I weighed myself the second time (just a few seconds later, remember), the scale read 180 lbs., 2 oz. -_- I changed the position of the scale on the bathroom floor a few times, but alas! The 179 was gone. So I guess I gained 4 oz. during my happy dance.

Activities Performed:

55 minutes of cardio at the gym

1 hour of leisurely walking

It definitely wasn’t my best week for working out, that’s for sure. We were busy preparing for a dinner party and my parents’ visit next week. I will be going to the gym this afternoon though.

Diet Changes:

I was doing pretty well with my diet this week…until yesterday. I went to the grocery store a couple hours before dinner, and while I was there I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch. Then I walked through the potato chip aisle. Hmmmm, THAT looks good. Yup, I ate almost an entire bag. That was about 7 servings. Then I had dessert after dinner. I’m not beating myself up over it. One bad day out of seven isn’t the end of the world.

Next Week’s Goals:

To definitively-no-doubt-about-it get into the 170s!!!

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Combatting Mildew in Cloth Diapers

A few weeks ago, I noticed a few small spots on the inside fabric of one of our Bumkins AI1 diapers. I thought the stains looked weird, but set the diaper outside in the sun…like I do with any stained diapers. Well, for the first time, the sun did nothing.

Fast forward to last week.

I noticed the spots seemed to be spreading, and they appeared on the hemp side of a GroVia AI2 insert.

Click on Photos to Enlarge

Yup! That’s a freshly peed in mildewed diaper insert.

That’s when I realized I had a mildew problem (At least, I think that’s what it is). I searched the Internet for causes of mildew on cloth diapers, and from what I can tell, the most likely reason for us is that I’m not getting these particular diapers and inserts dry enough. The Bumkins AI1 is made with a bamboo blend, which can take a while to dry. The hemp inserts also take extra time to dry. At this point, I’m assuming that although I’ve thought this particular diaper and insert was dry…it still has wet spots somewhere inside the absorbent layers.

This began my quest to eliminate the mildew and the spots.

Before doing much research, I reached for the bleach. In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have reached for that first. When it comes to cloth diapers, there are often other methods that are equally or more effective, and certainly safer than chlorine bleach is on your lungs and diaper fabric.

I soaked the diaper and two inserts (it happened on a second GroVia hemp insert) in a full washer tank of water and a capful of bleach for an hour. Stains were still there.

Bleached and Dried- No Improvement

I went back to the Web. Thirsties has a page dedicated to techniques and procedures to remove mildew from cloth diapers. Based on what I read there and elsewhere on the net, I decided to try tea tree oil, baking soda, lemon juice, salt, and the sun.

With the diaper and inserts soaking in cold water from the beginning of a washing machine rinse cycle, I added teaspoons of tea tree oil and a 1/4 cup of baking soda. I dropped the washer lid for a few seconds to let the water agitate and stir the oil and baking soda around. Then I stopped the cycle, and let the diaper and inserts soak for an hour, before letting the rinse cycle finish.

After the cycle finished, I made a paste with 2 parts salt, 1 part lemon juice, and rubbed it into the spots. After letting them sit for half an hour, I washed them with a regular diaper load.

Lemon Juice and Salt Paste


Paste Rubbed into Spots

When I finished my regular diaper wash, I pulled the stained inserts and diaper out, sprayed the spots with a mixture of water and lemon juice, and left them laying in direct sunshine for several hours.

Sprayed and Sunning

Did it work? Nope. At least, the stains are still there. I’m certain the mildew is dead after the bleach, tea tree oil, etc.

The next day, I sprayed the spots with lemon juice and water again, and placed in the sun. Still no improvement. The spots look faded when the diaper and inserts are dry, but as soon as they are wet, the spots show up brightly again.

Results: No Improvement on Spots

So that’s my experience with mildew. You can kill it, but the spots are permanent.

Have you had a different experience? Did you get the mildew stains out? Any suggestions for me? Should I try something else or give up on the stains?
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