It’s Fitness Friday! (Week 3)

It’s Fitness Friday!

Join me, We Have It All, Andersons Angels, and other bloggers as we work at being healthier and getting fit through Fitness Friday! Don’t have a blog? You can comment right below our Fitness Friday posts, and we’ll encourage each other!

 Current Stats:

MAYBE 179 lbs. Okay, so here’s what happened. My goal for this week was to get into the 170s, but it seemed like every time I weigh myself I was still 180. Well, I weighed myself yesterday morning, and I was ecstatic to see the scale said 179 lbs. and X oz. Well, during my 2-second happy dance from the bathroom to the living room, I forgot how many ounces I was over 179. I wanted to have the exact amount, so I could input it in MyFitnessPal. When I weighed myself the second time (just a few seconds later, remember), the scale read 180 lbs., 2 oz. -_- I changed the position of the scale on the bathroom floor a few times, but alas! The 179 was gone. So I guess I gained 4 oz. during my happy dance.

Activities Performed:

55 minutes of cardio at the gym

1 hour of leisurely walking

It definitely wasn’t my best week for working out, that’s for sure. We were busy preparing for a dinner party and my parents’ visit next week. I will be going to the gym this afternoon though.

Diet Changes:

I was doing pretty well with my diet this week…until yesterday. I went to the grocery store a couple hours before dinner, and while I was there I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch. Then I walked through the potato chip aisle. Hmmmm, THAT looks good. Yup, I ate almost an entire bag. That was about 7 servings. Then I had dessert after dinner. I’m not beating myself up over it. One bad day out of seven isn’t the end of the world.

Next Week’s Goals:

To definitively-no-doubt-about-it get into the 170s!!!

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Our first blow out…

…in cloth diapers. This makes me very sad. Of course, it happened right when we were about to leave for church, and Mr. Stinky Pants messed up his church clothes. I’m disappointed that I can no longer brag that he’s never had a blow out since switching to cloth, but at least it’s only ONE. He was wearing a GroVia AI1. I’ve always loved that it’s a very narrow diaper, because it fits well under his clothes. But today the narrowness couldn’t hold the poo inside. In defense of GroVia, he was hopping around in his Jumperoo when this happened. Also, I knew that he would probably poop this morning, so I probably should’ve started him off with a huge all-bum-encompassing diaper.

On a different note, some weeks ago, I bragged about this amazing, delicious polenta dish that I made, but I had completely forgotten to take photos of it to post, until it was too late. Last night, I made the same dish, planning to take photos this time. I forgot again!!! What’s wrong with my mind these days! I know that I haven’t been getting enough sleep, so I’m sure that’s a big part of the problem.

One of these days, I will get that polenta dish recipe with photos posted on this blog. I really love polenta. It’s very inexpensive to make, and it’s so easy too! For someone lacking in the culinary department like myself, dishes that even I can successfully pull-off…you KNOW they’ve gotta be simple!

Since I’m on the topic of polenta, this dish from my friend over at The Fresh Kitchen looks fantastic! I’m hoping to try it this week. Maybe I’ll remember to take photos this time. 🙂

I’ve been slacking again at posting. I’ve mentioned before that my goal is to post every day, but we’ve been very busy around our home this week. I haven’t been able to make it to the gym as often as I should either.

I did get to the fabric store today. I need a couple more supplies before I start on my venture of making my own cloth diaper. I tried to make a fitted diaper out of a prefold a few days ago, and the result was hilarious. I will post photos eventually, so you can laugh at me. But I want to make one decent-looking diaper first, so you all won’t think I’m a complete creative disaster when you see my poor fitted diaper. 🙁 It IS pretty funny looking though, I’ve gotta admit that!

I’ve also been slacking at reading other’s blogs and responding to comments on this blog. I need to rectify that.

You may have noticed that my blog no longer has a “Home” page of my latest posts. I’m still having issues, so currently typing in will bring readers straight to the “About” page. It’s a temporary fix, but I’m not sure how long temporary means.

Tomorrow morning, my son goes in for his 4-month check up. I’m a little nervous about that. I’m always nervous going to the doctor, and I’m especially nervous since it’s about my son. He’ll be getting shots, as well. Not all of them (I think some vaccinations are unnecessary), but enough to upset him and upset me. Tomorrow will probably be a rough day in our home.

I will be posting my review on Glow Bug Cloth Diapers tomorrow. They were kind enough to send me a diaper to review, and I’m very excited to share with you my experiences using this diaper! Don’t forget to enter the grand prize giveaway of the Green Family Giveaway. The winner of the grand prize will receive a full stash of Glow Bug diapers!

Current Giveaways on this Blog:

The Knotted Pineapple & GinaJordan (Green Family Giveaway) 9/15-9/30

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Kits Giveaway 9/11-9/25

Hidden Treasure Candles Giveaway 9/5-10/5

Next month:

$200 Amazon Gift Card 10/01-10/31 (Bloggers Still Needed to Participate!)

International Baby Wearing Week Giveaway 10/8-10/14

Hoppin’ Halloween Giveaway Hop 10/25-10/31

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It’s Fitness Friday! (Week 1)

I’m excited to join other mommy bloggers and their readers (and you too, I hope!) for Fitness Friday! Every Friday we’ll post our current stats (weight loss, inches, etc.), failures and/or successes, and goals for the following week. If you have a blog, you’re welcome to join us by posting as well!

Not a blogger? Post your info. in a comment below on this post, so we can encourage you! Our goal in posting is to motivate each other!

Visit here to see this week’s Fitness Friday linky at the bottom of that post. If you’re a blogger, add your own! Remember that bloggers will be adding their links throughout the day, so check back periodically, visit their blog posts, and help encourage them!

2 Months Before Pregnancy- 165 lbs.

Because this is my first week posting for Fitness Friday, I want to give you a little background info. Before I became pregnant with my son, I was about 165 lbs. The photo on the left shows me roughly 2 months before I got pregnant. Sorry, it’s not a great photo, but I’ve never liked having photos taken of me (I like taking photos of other people), so I don’t have many of myself. Being 165 lbs. wasn’t my best weight, but I still fit most of my clothes. My ideal weight is between 150-155 lbs., but only if I have a lot of muscle.

When I became pregnant with my son, I ballooned and gained at least 70 pounds. I always said I wasn’t going to be that pregnant woman, but I was. Within five days of giving birth, I lost about half of it, so obviously a chunk of the weight was baby/water retention. I settled at 195 lbs., and it was slow to come off.

I’ve heard many times that if you exclusively breastfeed, the pounds should melt off. But with me, they weren’t. I started using the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone and realized that my portions were huge. I was averaging more than 600 calories for breakfast alone! I checked out for guidelines on losing weight while BFDing. After researching, I started aiming to eat 1500-1800 calories a day (plus exercise). This seems to be working!

My Goal:

I actually have two goals. Initially, I just want to reach my pre-pregnancy weight of 165 lbs. After that, I want to concentrate on my fitness level and end up somewhere around 150 lbs.

Current Stats:

I’m currently 182 lbs. at 5’10” tall. I was excited to find out a couple days ago that I can fit back into one pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. Granted, they are my “fat” jeans, but it’s progress, right? I think I’m probably about a size 16 in misses clothes.

Since I joined a gym a few weeks ago, and since I started using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone, I’ve lost about eight pounds.


While my son was napping this morning, I had the chance to shower quick and put some makeup on…didn’t make it to getting my hair fixed, but that’s probably too much to expect to get done all at one time with a needy baby in the house, right? =D My son never naps longer than 30 minutes at a time during the day, and usually it’s 15-20. Please excuse the poor quality of the photos! I snapped them on my iPhone in the bathroom mirror. I hope next time I can get hubby to take some photos of me.

And here we go:

Fitness Friday- Week 1- Side Shot
Fitness Friday- Week 1- Front Shot


Ugh! I’m so wide! That’s probably what I like the least about my figure right now. Yes, my arms are big with almost no muscle, and my tummy is still flabby. But I’m seeing improvements in those areas. My hip, thighs…really, the entire pelvic region…is just very, very wide. I know that many women experience widening of the hips when they have children, but I’ve always had wide hips. I don’t think it’s gotten worse (I hope not!); I think I’m just fat.

Activities Performed:

We were busy around the home this week, and I was only able to make it to the gym a couple of times. Actually, it may only have been once; I can’t remember! I also went to the park one evening with hubby and Mr. Stinky Pants, and we walked around for about 30 minutes at a good pace. We also climbed a steep hill. That’s not much, but it’s something.

I have to wait until my husband is home from work to watch our son before I can go to the gym, so that makes it a little more difficult to plan. His hours vary. I wouldn’t call this week a total failure when it comes to fitness, but next week I definitely need to do more.

Diet Changes:

As I mentioned above, I’m using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone, and keeping track of my calories is proving very, very effective at losing weight. I’m exclusively nursing my son, so I do have to be careful to reach a certain amount of calories every day in order to keep my milk supply up. This week, I did make a point to avoid junk food and sweets, and eat more veggies. I would say I was successful!

Next Week’s Goals:

Next week I plan on making it to the gym five times, and I also plan on staying for at least 45 minutes each time. I will continue to do a variety of cardio exercises, but also add in more strength training. There are many exercises (like leg lifts and pushups) that I can do in our home, and I need to be more disciplined at doing them regularly during the day. For meals, I’ll continue to track my calories, but add in more veggies, especially for snacks. My weight goal is to break the 180 lb. mark, and get into the 170s!

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