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Fitness Friday: 3/7/14 (Stats update)

This week has flown by, hasn’t it?! Or maybe it just seems like that because Baby J and I are visiting Hubby in Florida this week. 🙂 Hubby still doesn’t have orders to his next duty station, and he’s done here in 2 weeks. Craziness! Wherever we end up, I hope the base or naval station has a Family Fitness Center like the one I’ve been using this week, because it’s awesome!

Sweaty me in our hotel room after one of my gym workouts at the Family Fitness Center this week.

So one of the local naval station gyms back home in Hampton Roads has a tiny family fitness room. There are a few treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes, and then some dumbbells. That’s pretty much it. The room also has two gated areas to stick your kids in (divided by age). There are no toys, just some soft, stackable kids furniture that holds onto filth. But I’ve used it a few times during the cold weather. It’s much better than nothing.

Well, here in Pensacola, one of the naval stations has a family fitness center. It’s two large, well-equipped rooms with all sorts of machines and dumbbells. There’s plenty of room to work out. Alongside the main room are two raised platforms that are encircled with plexiglass to enclose your kids. And there are lots of toys! Baby J’s been doing really well in there. Most of the time, he’s alone, but occasionally there have been other kids.

One day Baby J was getting really fussy playing alone, so the lady in charge told me I could take him down in the weights area with me, since I was the only one working out down there. He was trying to do BOSU squats and donkey kicks like Mama! It’s been a really fun week.

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Well, as I mentioned above, we’ve been going to the Family Fitness Center while staying here in Pensacola. It’s open Monday-Thursday, so we went every day. I was able to get 15-20 minutes of cardio in every day on the elliptical, treadmill, Stair Master, or a combo of the three. In addition to the cardio, I also did strength training every time for about 45-60 minutes. Monday and Wednesday I focused on arms and abs. I concentrated on legs and butt Tuesday and Thursday. I know I need to do more exercises targeted specifically toward my back, but I have no idea what to do. Time to hit up more YouTube videos!

I’m pleased with what I did this week, but definitely feel that there’s room for improvement. My foot has held up okay. It occasionally hurts, but I can’t always figure out what’s causing it to flare up. Yesterday afternoon it didn’t hurt after working out, but today it started throbbing after I walked around my hotel room barefooted for a few minutes. It also started hurting after I drove for 30 minutes one day. The good news is that it hasn’t gotten worse, and I think it’s gotten better.

Today, I’m relaxing and letting my body have a break, since I was really tired at the gym yesterday after just a few minutes of exercise. Tomorrow morning I hope to run outside, while my husband watches Baby J for me. I’d love to put 4 miles in, but if my foot starts to hurt, I’ll have to stop. There are some trails around here that are lined with wood chips, dirt, and grass, so I’ll try one of those. Those surfaces should be much better for my foot than asphalt or concrete.


Oh dear, I didn’t do so well at the beginning of this week. Saturday was a difficult day since we were flying out here, but I did well until we arrived and Hubby’s friends were grilling outside the hotel. And there were potato chips. I just can’t resist them. Then on Sunday, we went out to eat after church. Hubby’s friends wanted to go to Sonny’s BBQ. Maybe I should’ve stuck with the salad bar, but everything smelt so yummy, and I love barbecue and southern food. Bring me some biscuits and fried okra any day, mmmmmm. Monday I tried really hard all day to be good, and I was. But Hubby (against my pleading) bought Nutella. I had one little taste and it was over. Two or three Nutella sandwiches later, I was feeling horrible about myself.

But I determined I’d do better, and I have these last few days. I’ve been eating plenty of veggies and the right amount of carbs. I’m still probably eating too much saturated fat, and I’m having trouble getting enough protein. So I need to keep working on those too. I’m still researching protein shakes. I drank a ton of water this week, and sometimes I have trouble hydrating, so that’s good.


I was planning on posting “after” photos of myself to compare to my “before” shots back on Fitness Friday January 10. I had Hubby snap a few photos of me in the same workout clothes last night, but I eventually decided to not share them. I look the same! Well, I might look a little smaller around the hips, and my backside might be a little perkier, but that could also be the angle of the camera. My arms do not look any more muscular in my new photos. *insert sad face here*

Although I did feel bummed for a few minutes, I reminded myself that my clothes are fitting looser now. So even if I look the same or almost the same in photos, I know that I’ve been toning (i.e. BUILDING MUSCLE). That’s what matters.


I decided I’m not going to update this anymore. It’s no longer an accurate measurement of my fitness level.

Measurements: (Taken according to Weight Watchers guidelines.)

Previous Measurements (2/7/14):

  • Height: 5’10″
  • Weight: 149lbs.
  • Upper Arm: 11″
  • Abdomen: 33.5″
  • Waist: 30″
  • Hips: 36.5″
  • Thighs: 22″

Today’s Measurements (3/7/14):

  • Height: 5’10”
  • Weight: N/A
  • Upper Arm: 10 7/8″
  • Abdomen: 33.5″
  • Waist 29.5″
  • Hips: 36.5″
  • Thighs 23.5″

As you can see by my measurements, either I’m not making much progress at all, or I’m really terrible at taking measurements! I don’t know what else to do other than keeping plugging away, hoping that I’ll see some significant difference in those measurements eventually.


I’d like to see my arm measurements go up a little- with muscle! I’d like to see another inch come off my waist, and I definitely would like to lose inches off my hips. I think my hips are going to be the last to lose fat, and that may not happen until after I’m done having kids.

As I’ve mentioned, in spite of the numbers on the measuring tape or the scale, my jeans are fitting looser, so I know I’m losing fat and gaining muscle. I’m happy that I’m making progress. I’m getting stronger; I can lift heavier and do more reps. But if I’m honest with myself, I’m not working as hard as I could. I’ve always lacked discipline when exercising, so my fitness journey really is a work in progress for me. I’m thankful for the women both online and in real life that inspire and motivate me to keep going.

 Fitspiration/Fitness Stuff I’m Loving:

I’m still watching Brenda Leigh Turner’s videos for motivation and workout ideas. I also LOVE this blog post by Jen Sinkler, “Strong Isn’t Really the New Sexy/Skinny.”

Join in:

If you’re a blogger, link up your FF post at my two favorite Fitness Friday linkys- and If you don’t have a blog, feel free to let us know in the comments below how you’re doing with your health and fitness goals.

How was your week? Any fun plans for this weekend?
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Fitness Friday: 2/28/14

Another week is over, and it’s that time again: Fitness Friday!

fitnessfridaywehaveitall3 button
Click ^this button to join the Fitness Friday linky hosted at We Have It All.


I had a great run last Sunday night. It was the last day of warmer temps (50/60s), so a friend and I headed down to the beach and ran on the sidewalk (with Baby J in the stroller, of course) for just under 6 miles. For half the distance, we interchanged jogs with sprints. On the way back, my friend wasn’t feeling well, and my right foot was hurting me, so we walked a little bit and jogged when we felt like it. And that leads me to my foot.

It’s been hurting me on and off for a few weeks, but hasn’t really been problematic until Monday morning. When I got up on Monday, it was pretty sore. I did a legs workout, and found that lunges really hurt my foot as well, whenever my toes bend. So I decided to take at least two weeks off from running (and definitely sprints), until my foot feels better. I’d rather take time off now, and still be able to run the half marathon, then wait, have my foot get really bad, and not be able to run it. The disappointing factor is of course I won’t do as well on the half, since I’m not training the whole time.

It’s blurry, but N snapped a photo of me and Baby J jogging last Sunday night.

I’ve been concerned about getting cardio in without being able to run or walk for long distances. Next week, I’m going to try some swimming. My foot did okay this week with 20 minutes of Zumba and 20 minutes on the elliptical, so at least short periods are fine. Well, I did feel a little pain later on after Zumba, but the elliptical definitely was not a problem.

Unfortunately that’s still not enough cardio for one week. I really aim to do 4 days of cardio a week and prefer to do at least 40 minutes at a time. I guess I could count last Sunday as a cardio day, but I usually start my workout weeks on Monday. I really should get in two more sessions of some cardio today, Saturday, or this coming Sunday. If not, I’ll be bummed, but I’ll also keep in mind that I need my foot to get better.

But the bum foot also means that I will not meet my Winter Miles Challenge for the week, and it’s the last week too!

Weightlifting/strength training went much better this week! I was consistent, and I concentrated on lifting heavier weights. I’m very weak, so the weights weren’t that heavy =D but I’ll get there.


Fortunately, I’ve had my sugar cravings under control this week. Oh, and I lowered the number of calories I’ve been eating, since I’m doing less cardio. I had one cheat day -Tuesday night- when I attended a baby shower. Otherwise, I’ve been eating lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and trying to get enough protein. I’ve been looking into protein powders and shakes, because it’s been really difficult for me to get extra protein in my diet, and I need it as I’m trying to build muscle.

I’m curious about Garden of Life’s Raw Protein. If you’ve used it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

I have been eating a little too much fat. Granted, I’ve been eating a lot of the “healthier” fats: avocado, natural peanut butter, egg yolks, nuts, coconut oil, etc., but it’s still a bit much, I think.


I’m supposed to update these in a week, but I do not feel ready! I don’t feel that I’ve changed much at all in the last month. Well, maybe my arms look a little more muscular…we’ll see. I’ll try to get a photo this time too.

Goals for Next Week:

Continue to lift regularly and do more cardio, in spite of the foot. Keep my diet healthy, even though I’ll be out of town and away from my kitchen.

Click ^this button to join the Fitness Friday linky at!

Fitspiration/Workouts I’m loving:

I’ve been watching a ton of YouTube videos this week from Brenda Leigh Turner at She has some awesome advice for losing weight and gaining muscle. I don’t agree with everything she says (I mean, she says people should give up coffee…say what?!), but overall her advice seems very sound. Many of her workouts and exercises can be done at home, which is a huge plus for a stay-at-home-mom like me.

Also, it’s refreshing to watch her, because she’s not your typical modelesque fitness guru. Although she’s very pretty and very fit, she has a shorter, sturdier frame than Jillian Michaels, Amanda Bisk, Tracy Anderson, and other well-knowns. All body shapes can be fit and healthy.

Here’s one of my favorite Brenda Leigh Turner videos, “Do This, Not That & Burn More Fat.” She breaks it down really well and shows some great exercises:

How was your week? Did you meet your goals? Have anything exciting planned for this weekend?
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Week 3 Recap of Move, Nourish, Believe Challenge

It’s over already! The Move, Nourish, Believe Challenge, hosted by Lorna Jane, has definitely helped this month fly by. The theme of week three is BELIEVE in yourself. I think that’s often sooner said than done. The challenges this week helped me focus on the positive things in my life and remember that I AM BLESSED.

Week Three Challenges:

Monday- Spoil Yourself!Do something just for you today! Take a walk, go to yoga, spoil yourself! 

Well, I thought about taking a bubble bath, but I realized the best way to spoil myself would be to take a nap! So instead of cleaning, blogging, etc., while Baby J was napping, I took one too! It was awesome!

Tuesday- 5 Mindful MinutesDo good to your body, meditate for 5 minutes and find your zen.

During my walk/jog/run at the park, I was able to enjoy the beautiful day around me and pray.

Wednesday- Be HappyShow us your happy place!

Although coffee does make me super happy, what makes me happiest is my little boy. Because we were still having nice weather, I was able to get my bicycle and his bike seat out- the first time all winter! We had so much fun together.

Thursday- Thankful ThursdayLet us know what you are thankful for!

This was an easy one. I’m thankful for my family, my good healthy, and God’s endearing love.

Friday- Share the loveS/O to your #1 supporter/motivator!

My friend Nicole at The Fresh Kitchen definitely deserves an honorable mention here! She was the one who got me out there and pushed me to start running again…and motivates me to workout most of the time.

But I did give my MNBC shout-out to my Hubby. He supports me in so many ways. I love him. =D Oh, and the photo I posted of him for the challenge is super old, just a couple of months after Baby J was born. I was going through my phone, and I didn’t have any recent pictures of J on there, and since he’s in a different state for training, snapping a new one isn’t an option.

Here are my photos for this week’s challenge. I posted one each day on Instagram and Twitter. The photos start at the top left and move clockwise.

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Did you participate in the Move, Nourish, Believe Challenge? What’s your happy place? Who’s your number one supporter?
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