I feel like super mom…or not

Because I have bread baking in the bread maker. Diapers are hanging outside, drying. I’ve had lunch (THAT is truly an anomaly). Baby’s sleeping. I’ve worked on my sewing project…

Okay, now that I’ve listed it, it doesn’t actually sound that great. Hmmm Why do I feel like I’ve been working hard all morning then?!

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DIY coming soon!

We almost have the apartment together. Once those last few boxes are unpacked, I’ll have more time on my hands. My plan is to start some DIY sewing projects. I bought several yards of fabric in Ghana last summer for my mom and myself. My plan is to make placemats and table runners (if there’s enough fabric). That’ll be my first project. Simple, right? Well, I haven’t sewed anything in about 15 years, so I have to start somewhere small! My mom actually borrowed my old machine which subsequently broke. She just replaced it for me last week (Thanks, Mommy!).

For my second project, I picked up a simple pattern to make reusable shopping bags. I can’t stand to throw away plastic bags. I hoard them instead. If I make some reusable bags, I can avoid this problem altogether. Jo-Ann fabric is having a great sale this weekend, so I got a great deal on several yards of fabric.

I’m holding the baby while hubby makes smoothies. After that, it’s pedicure time for me!

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Waking up crabby (a continuation of yesterday’s crabbiness)

Yesterday I was crabby. Here’s how it started. My hubby insisted on getting the windows of his car tinted at a shop four hours north of us, because they use some particular tint that he wanted. This shop was about 45 minutes from where his sister and her family live, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to begin with. We just stayed with them that weekend. The day after the windows were tinted (a Sunday, so the shop was closed), hubby discovered what looked like permanent marker on the window. It looked like one of the tints was cut too short, and the worker tried to cover it up by using a black marker on the window. Well, wouldn’t you know? This shop won’t do warranty work on Saturdays. So he took yesterday off from work and drove up there. They said it would take a couple of hours, but of course that meant five hours. By the time it was finished, traffic was horrendous, so he never came home. He spent the night at his sister’s house. I spent the night alone with baby. Friday night. The night we were supposed to get stuff done around this apartment. Now, I realize that it’s irrational to be irritated at him. So I’m not irritated at HIM. I’m just irritated in general…at the entire situation. I’m a little less irritated this morning. A little less. He should be home soon, and I’m not going to work my butt off all day today. I’m going to relax a bit first. 🙂

That’s my vent for the morning.

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