School of Cloth info

School of Cloth info

I hate giveaways! But only because I don’t win them. And I’m kind of obsessed with entering them. Seriously, if you don’t want to go to the work to find giveaways for baby stuff on the Web, just follow my Twitter account: @emegburg. I post giveaways and finds NONSTOP. Almost.

Speaking of finds, Charlie Banana cloth diapers and swim diapers are on sale on Zulily. Better hurry; it looks like they’re going quickly!

I went to Diaper Junction today to attend their CD 101 class. I was able to get a lot of my questions answered. Also, I’ve been wondering what the difference between the $20 diapers and the $5 diapers is. Hmmm…now I know. I felt the $20 diapers. They FEEL AMAZING! BABIES ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE THESE $20 DIAPERS ON THEIR BUMS! The GroVia AI1 feels FANTASTIC! The Blueberry’s bamboo and organic diaper feels FANTASTIC! I’m definitely going to buy a couple Blueberry bamboo diapers for overnight diapering and a couple GroVia AI1 for when we’re on the go, church nursery, etc. I would’ve bought stuff today, but the power went out just after our class finished. πŸ™ I guess it gives me an excuse to go back though!

Well, I’m heading out of town this weekend to visit my husband’s family, so I need to pack. The School of Cloth on Twitter starts in a couple of hours, so I need to get the packing done asap. If you aren’t planning on attending the School of Cloth, you should! They have lots of freebies/giveaways! Check out Cloth Diaper Geek for more info.


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Dinner was delicious/I am so awesome

So I found this polenta recipe online, and I adapted it using the ingredients I had leftover from yesterday’s chicken parmesan meatloaf. The polenta turned out sooooooooo delicious! I should’ve taken a picture. πŸ™ You’ll just have to imagine a bowl of cheesy, tomato saucey, meaty, polenta goodness.

I washed my 5 new pocket diapers from Just Simply, and the colors did not run. Not even the black or red one! That was a good thing, definitely. Then I left baby with hubby and a bottle of pumped breastmilk and had some me time. I got my hair cut! Hubby likes it long, but I was tired of it. It was super boring, and just hung there. So I got it cut where it’s just touching my shoulder with lots of layers. Now the big question is whether or not I can recreate what the hairdresser did when I style it. Doesn’t it suck that your hair never looks as great as it does when you leave the stylist?

I have some more fluff giveaways to enter in the next two hours before they end. Until next time! Bye

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Fluff mail!!! Who’s excited? I am!

I got fluff mail tonight! Granted, it was only one diaper πŸ™ But I’m still excited! I’m hoping to have enough diapers to start full-time cloth diapering Baby J by the end of next month. I’m waiting on a few more diapers that should be here in the next 2 weeks. I didn’t want to go all out until I’ve tried a few brands first. So tonight’s CD was a Thirstie’s Duo Fab Fitted diaper. I already have a Thirstie’s Duo Wrap cover that I’ve used prefolds with. I didn’t realize the fitted diaper came with a pocket to add an insert, and I’m very excited about that. My LO isn’t a heavy wetter, but a little more protection is always good. I have a newborn size insert that came with my Blueberry’s pocket diaper, and I think that’ll fit nicely into the fitted. The only thing I’m not excited about regarding the fitted diaper is that it’s plain old white. I think one of the fun parts of cloth diapering is the awesome colors and prints! But the white fitted was on sale on Amazon, so yeah…

I also got my bottle of BacOut, which I’ve heard great things about, and a pack of 100 liners from Bumkins. I plan to use the liners in case he has a rash, so I can use some of the diaper cream we already have. Down the road, I may buy diaper rash cream appropriate for CDs, but I was taken aback by the price. They’re kind of expensive for a small tube or jar, I thought!

Anyway, baby’s dozing in the swing. Hubby’s picking up some goodies for a deployment care package to a friend. I’m going to see if I can knock out a few more paragraphs on this article I’m working on.

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