Body after Baby: Kelli and “The Babywearing Workout”

Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post!

Check out these other Body after Baby posts:

Before and After: Kelli at 6 weeks and then 11 months postpartum
Before and After: Kelli at 6 weeks and then 11 months postpartum

GUEST WRITER BIO: Kelli Stewart is the creator of The Babywearing Workout™ & a Juice Plus+ Independent Distributor. She is a first time mama living an attachment parent lifestyle and losing weight because of it! Before she got pregnant, she was overweight. Then she gained 50 lbs. during her pregnancy! Through The Babywearing Workout, Kelli shares how babywearing, breastfeeding, and taking Juice Plus+ was all she needed to lose the baby weight and now weigh less than she did before she became pregnant. Kelli is now living in Colorado with her husband and precious baby girl.

The holidays can be a very difficult time for many of us when it comes to keeping on track with our health and wellness goals. With all of the parties and family get togethers that are usually packed with all kinds of yummy food or treats that are nowhere close to what we know we should be eating….what our bodies really need: good whole food nutrition. And forget about exercise! We tend to enjoy just relaxing by the warmth of the fire or on the couch with a good book or movie.

But let me tell you…those fleeting moments of “comfort” food and lack of movement are not worth the havoc it will cause on our health in the long run. Now, I’m not saying lock yourself away and refrain from partaking in all of the holiday cheer…no no no….don’t do that. Just prepare yourself by doing things that will help keep you on track. I personally like to think of the holidays as just another day but I’m spending a little more time with my loved ones than I normally do.

That being said…it is exactly the reason I decided to host my next The Babywearing Workout Weight Loss Challenge during the holidays! In addition to our regular exercise Challenge that includes getting at least 30 mins of exercise 5 days a week, I’ve added in a second part that I’m calling the Nutritionally Fit Health Challenge. This will help you to really take a look at what you are fueling your body with every single day. Sometimes we just need a plan, an outline, and a good support system to make the changes we already know we need to make.

So when would NOW be a good time to take that first step toward better health?

TBWW Callenge Flyer

Join us:

TBWW’s Weight Loss & Nutritionally Fit Health Challenge!


Starting on October 28th, 2013
Join other new moms on a private Facebook Group.

Support and hold one another accountable.

Share tips and meal plans or recipes.

Win Great Prizes!

Everyone will be doing The Babywearing Workout™ at least 3 times a week for 8 Weeks. Each Friday you will check in with your weight loss for the previous week.

(If you don’t already have your copy get one today using our 15% Off Discount Code: WLC15OFF at checkout- good until 11/1)

Boba is our team sponsor.

They are giving away their Classic Collection Boba Wrap and 3G Carrier!

boba logoBoba Prizes

On 12/20 the Challenge will end and a winner for the Grand Prize will be chosen.

Each week I will also be hosting a giveaway with prizes being offered from the below sponsors. Winners will be chosen every Saturday throughout the duration of the Challenge and picked using

Nutritionally Fit Health Challenge

For those of you interested in taking this Challenge to another level by focusing on the fuel “food” you are putting in your body please contact me via email for more details and costs:

Exercise is very very important but if you are not giving your body the nutrition it needs to work then you won’t have long term positive results. The world is full of pollution, toxins, stress and food that is devoid of nutrition. We expect so much from our amazing bodies but many times we don’t consume the fuel necessary for the body to do it’s job.

WARNING! If you accept this Nutritionally Fit Health Challenge it WILL lead to optimum health and will dramatically change your body on a CELLULAR LEVEL!

Some of the prizes include:

1 Classic Collection Boba Wrap – Retail Value $38*

1 Classic Collection Boba Carrier 3G – Retail Value $125*

2 Mother & Child Prints from artist Katie M. Berggren – Retail Value $19 each

Terra Naturali Baby Bum Bum Balm 2 1oz Tins- Retail Value $8.50 each

Cooking with Coconut Oil eBook from Hybrid Rasta Mama- Retail Value $19.95 *

Barlean’s Organic Coconut Oil 32oz Jar – Retail Value $28.95

Set of 16oz Glass Mugs with Tops/Steel Straws from EcoJarz – Retail Value $29.50

Greenwich Necklace and Stanton Bracelet set from Chewbeads – Retail Value $50.50

2 Custom Diaper Covers from – Retail Value $17/each

Green Toys Shape Sorter from – Retail Value $19.99

Green Toys First Keys from – Retail Value $7.99

Momma & Baby Natural Care Sample Pack from Purely Kendra Apothecary – Retail Value $25

Drool Pads + Matching Travel Wipes Case from Silver Birch Studio – Retail Value $25

$20 Gift Certificate from Avery Rayne Designs – Retail Value $20

More being added every day!!

*Please note some of the links for these sponsors may be affiliate links (marked with a *) in which Kelli would be compensated, if you were to purchase a product after clicking through these links. If you are uncomfortable with that, all of these companies can be found if you were to do a direct Google search for them.

Want to win a free download of The Babywearing Workout? Enter through the Giveaway Tools widget below:
Disclaimer: All information presented during the Body after Baby event is purely personal opinion and shared for educational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise, weight-loss, or nutrition program. Please note, My Life: A Work in Progress does not necessarily endorse any opinions presented by guest writers during this event. Not all exercise or nutrition programs are suitable for everyone.
Note- My Life: A Work in Progress was not compensated for this post.
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