It’s Fitness Friday! (Week 3)

It’s Fitness Friday!

Join me, We Have It All, Andersons Angels, and other bloggers as we work at being healthier and getting fit through Fitness Friday! Don’t have a blog? You can comment right below our Fitness Friday posts, and we’ll encourage each other!

 Current Stats:

MAYBE 179 lbs. Okay, so here’s what happened. My goal for this week was to get into the 170s, but it seemed like every time I weigh myself I was still 180. Well, I weighed myself yesterday morning, and I was ecstatic to see the scale said 179 lbs. and X oz. Well, during my 2-second happy dance from the bathroom to the living room, I forgot how many ounces I was over 179. I wanted to have the exact amount, so I could input it in MyFitnessPal. When I weighed myself the second time (just a few seconds later, remember), the scale read 180 lbs., 2 oz. -_- I changed the position of the scale on the bathroom floor a few times, but alas! The 179 was gone. So I guess I gained 4 oz. during my happy dance.

Activities Performed:

55 minutes of cardio at the gym

1 hour of leisurely walking

It definitely wasn’t my best week for working out, that’s for sure. We were busy preparing for a dinner party and my parents’ visit next week. I will be going to the gym this afternoon though.

Diet Changes:

I was doing pretty well with my diet this week…until yesterday. I went to the grocery store a couple hours before dinner, and while I was there I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch. Then I walked through the potato chip aisle. Hmmmm, THAT looks good. Yup, I ate almost an entire bag. That was about 7 servings. Then I had dessert after dinner. I’m not beating myself up over it. One bad day out of seven isn’t the end of the world.

Next Week’s Goals:

To definitively-no-doubt-about-it get into the 170s!!!

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It’s Fitness Friday! (Week 2)

Well, this week was a colossal FAIL. If you remember my goal from last week, I was hoping to be in the 170s by this week. Nope. I’m still 182 lbs. Here’s why I fail, last weekend (as in RIGHT after the last Fitness Friday), I dropped down to 180. I was so close to the 170s! Then on Sunday night I had a (delicious) burger and fries. Monday I ate a Panini and pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. Tuesday I had two tacos from Tijuana Flats. Or maybe that was Wednesday? I’m missing a day…hmmm…but the point is that I’ve been eating way over my planned calorie amount without upping my exercise. Yesterday was my first day at the gym this entire week. And then I ate half a large pizza afterwards. Yup, I did. It was delicious.

Current Stats:

Still 182 lbs.

Activities Performed:

45 minutes of cardio at the gym

2 hours of leisurely walking

1 hour of brisk walking

Diet Changes:

I ate badly this week (processed food, things high in sodium, things high in fat, etc.). I also didn’t log into MyFitnessPal for 3 days in a row.

Next Week’s Goals:

To get into the 170s!!!

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