Fussy baby

Well, it’s been a few days since I’ve posted. Nothing eventful has happened. The baby’s been his usual adorable but clingy self. Right now, he’s quite fussy. I’m looking forward to another month or two when he’s finally big enough to enjoy his walker and Jumperoo. I put him in the walker today, and he immediately did a face plant in the hard plastic toy bar at the front of the walker. Oops. That kid has a big, heavy head. The Jumperoo seems to work better for him, but he’s still too small to reach some of the toys and ends up extremely frustrated. Last night we bought the play tray for the Boppy, hoping that would keep him from falling forward. I don’t know why he does this, but every time I put him in the Boppy, he would keep leaning forward until he was practically out of it. I don’t know if he was going after his toes or what. So I tried with the play tray today, and he immediately started screaming. Nothing is a satisfactory substitute for mommy’s arms, apparently.  

I discovered yesterday that our local Walmart is one of the few select stores that carries Mabu baby diapers. They’re basically an all-in-two cloth diaper. For around 30 bucks (if I remember correctly), you get two diapers, two washable inserts, two disposable inserts, and a few liners. Assuming they are good quality (and I have to check some more reviews), that’s a very good price for all-in-twos. Right now, I’m surfing on Amazon for a wet diaper pail liner. The baby’s fussing though, so we’ll see how that goes. He’s tired, but not sleeping.

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Prefold try #2

I tried the jelly roll. In defense of the jelly roll…I don’t think I did it right. I also am not sure these diapers fit my son properly. He’s over 12 pounds and from some of the reviews I’ve read, that seems to be close to the largest size these OsoCozy infant prefolds can handle. If I can’t get them to work, I’m cutting them up and using them as cloth wipes.

That is all.

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Well, that was a FAIL

So yesterday I tried out my first cloth diaper. It was a prefold inserted inside of a diaper cover. Turns out prefolds are more difficult to fold than I previously anticipated. Of course my already-skeptical-to-cloth-diapering husband is staring at the debacle while my baby is screaming because I’m taking so long. I gave up on the prefold and reached for a pocket diaper, which seems almost impossible to mess up. I just found online another way to roll the prefold, called a jelly roll. I’m going to try that today. If that doesn’t work…I think my prefolds may be too small for baby J.

Today was a little stressful. I couldn’t ignore my ear pain any longer and went into the local military clinic I’m assigned to. I have an issue with Q-tips. It’s some sort of strange compulsion. If I see a Q-tip, I HAVE to stick it in my ear. I’ll even use Q-tips at other peoples’ homes. Like if they have me over for dinner, and I see a Q-tip in the bathroom…I’m going to town! I’ve actually gone to the doctor 3 times (maybe 4?) in my life to get the head of a Q-tip removed from my ear. Anyway, the doc wasn’t sure if my ear was infected or not, but they flushed a ball of wax (gross, I know) out of my ear that was jammed way down. He said the canal was inflamed and red, so that’s why I’m in so much pain. Once they got the wax out, I could hear again. Hallelujah! It was getting kind of old asking everyone, “Pardon me? Excuse me? What was that?” He also gave me antibiotic drops for the ear. I know some people would say don’t take antibiotics for an ear infection, but the ear has been getting worse. I tried tea tree oil and peroxide in it, with no relief. Anyway, back to the stress. Basically, I’m sitting on the examination table, leaning over to the right holding a bottle of breastmilk in baby J’s mouth as he’s sitting in the stroller to keep him from crying while the doc’s peering in my left ear. Annnd it kind of went on from there. Oh, the nurse said other than the ball of wax, I have very clean ears =)

Anyway, hubby is putting up curtains in our bedroom. Finally! (we’ve been here since April, but he’s been gone for about 5 weeks of the time at sea) I’m going to finish folding these baby clothes and make some chicken noodle soup for dinner (I’m cheating again. I’m adding ingredients to a can of soup).

Later I’m trying this jelly roll thing with the diaper. Woo hoo!

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